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Photo Editing, Restoration, Retouching (photoshopping)

Editing and photoshopping a photo allows to strengthen the message of the photo and to make it better.
Most great photos are post-processed with an image-editing software.

PHOTOS – documentary but also the art of illusion

Whatever ‘stunning photo’ you may see, I believe it is safe to say that it had been post-processed with a photo editing software. Often the reason for enhancing a photo is to bring its message closer to what the photographer had actually seen and experienced while taking the photo – let’s say a stunning, breathtaking sunset at Grand Canyon or at a beach.

After taking a photo and looking at it, no matter how good the camera is, you’ll often think that the real scene was more impressive than the photo shows.

The human eye is more advanced than any camera and the eye in conjunction with our brain can capture a higher dynamic range in a scene. For example, if you are looking at a scene that consists of darker areas, shadows and very bright areas: everything seems to be balanced in our personal subjective experience whereas when you take a photo you either have it too dark or too bright in those areas. A photographer can mitigate that dilemma by shooting RAW images and using HDR techniques while taking the photo and later in post-processing.

Photoshop’ing and retouching Service

Pricing is determined by complexity and duration

Some task are done in under an hour, some others take hours — I am calculating time needed in 20 min steps.

Retouching tasks in general include:

  • Smoothing skin, remove wrinkles & skin flaws
  • Sharpening, softening, cropping & resizing
  • Photo Restoration: repair of older or vintage photos
  • Enhancement of the overall photo look
  • Removing / replacing unwanted objects
  • Preparing photos for Memorials

… and there’s much more that can be done.


Once I review the photo you wish to have edited, I can determine a price for the service.
When you have multiple photos, discounts are often available, depending on the synergy effects and the scope of the tasks involved.

I’ll keep it simple and transparent – Just contact me: best is to send me an email with a brief description of the issue, your goals, and the photo.

Pricing in general and How to book

Contact info and more about offered services can be found on the About me page.

Difference between Enhancing and Retouching


Enhancing means to improve and optimize the photo’s appearance. Optimizing colors, contrast, exposure, sharpness. Also treating visual noise and applying perspective correction if necessary.

Retouching — modifying photos in order to make a scene look like what you wish it would be

Examples are to remove distracting or unwanted objects from a photo like a large brown spot on a lawn. Or an ugly trash can in front of a landmark.

You might need to make the skin of a person look perfectly smooth for a family photo.

You can change modify colors or mix the content of different photos or visual elements into one final result. All those things are some examples of what are common scenarios.

Photo Restoration

Older paper-printed photos are often either faded, scratched, or even torn. Other common damages to photos include spilled water or beverages. Whatever it is, a digital restoration process can help to restore old glory. There are limits, though.
Email me a (phone) picture of the photo you want to have restored plus a brief description of the issue and I’ll give you a free quote.

Learn more about PHOTO RESTORATION & Repair

Real world examples

Original: Real world skin, some light reflections; little bit oily, reddish spots, marks, moles, etc; Edited image: smooth look without loosing the real world texture of the skin. Normally that is what you want, otherwise if the texture is removed the image may look unnatural.

But if we need to make corrections to the texture, like smoothing larger pores or removing moles, we can do this without jeopardizing the natural look.


Original: Red car; Edited image: modified car color ‘gold’ without affecting other red cars in the photo.

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